Sabtu, Februari 16

Quiet Zone Air Asia Flight

Dear Valued Guest,

Greeting from Air Asia X.
As per our phone conversation, please be informed that we are implementing the Quiet Zone on February 2013 onwards. Therefore, please refer below on the requirements for your perusal.
What is Quiet Zone?
*Quiet Zone is an exclusively reserved area between rows 7-14.
*Guests who are travelling with infant or children under 12 will not be eligible to book seats in Quiet Zone.
Who is eligible for Quiet Zone?
*Any Guests from age 13 and above.
*Any Guests who are NOT travelling with children (age 12 and below) including infants.

Sekarang ni Air Asia X dah implement Quiet Zone seats untuk penerbangannya. Kalau kita ada anak2 age 12 tahun dan ke bawah, kita tak boleh book seats barisan 7-14. Jadinya kena la kita booked seats barisan 15 dan ke atas untuk satu keluarga. 
Macam me memang akan pilih seats 3 orang satu barisan. Senang kan kalau pepe.

1 ulasan:

  1. ooo mcm tu dh lama tak naik flight heheh last sekali masa pegi cuti2 vietnam last year tu pun naik vietnam air :)


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