Selasa, September 4

Lukisan Dania dipaparkan di facebook Voila

Lukisan Dania dipaparkan di facebook wall Voila

Calling all fans of Disney Princess!

We would like to invite you to join in the magical world of Disney Princess by submitting us your very own fan art - you can draw, paint, sketch, take photos... anyway you want - and stand a chance to
have your fan art published in the coming issues of Disney Princess and win free issues of your favourite Disney Princess magazines!

Send in your photos and drawings to
Remember to include your name, age, address, contact number and e-mail.

And here's our first entry! Thank you Dania Yasmine for this charming drawing of Princess Ariel :)

*****copy paste dari sini

*****meh le suruh anak2 you alls showcase lukisan 'Princess' mereka!!! Dania lukis Ariel sebab senang sikit compared ngan Princess yang lain. Hehehe :-)

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Buka akaun bank dan lunch

Dania dah nak mula part time kerjanya jadi kena buka akaun baru pulak. FOS dulu guna akaun CIMB lepas tu latest ni tukar kepada akaun Ambank...