Isnin, Januari 4

Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out Review - 2 January 2010

Selamat datang, Mabuhai, Ahoi, Sawadeekap, Vanakkam and Welcome to my blog...........

Come let's check my family trail to Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out.....I would summarize the event using each letter in Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out

Not bad, not bad at all, I would say

We had our photo taken before the event

Uhhhh....more than words can say

Everyone is so excited!!! especially the kids

Family get together

One of the event that we can have a bonding time with our kid (s)....

Friends.....i make new friends...yay!!!!

I get the chance to meet Little Mama, Beskot Keras and others but i didn't get a chance to snap a photo with them....busy 'kejar' my daughter.....

Nothing compares to Nuffnang Friso Family Out

Thumbs up!!!!

Above my expectation. 10 out of 10.....

Nice photo shot taken for my blog entry

Guest of mine, my sis Erma and her family

My guest of 'honour' my sister Erma and her family

F ull load of activities line up

Everyone is having fun, fun, fun especially the kids

So does the stroller all lined up in one line

Ruth of the speaker, me enjoy her talks

Ruth Liew with an informative talk

Is only words and words that all i have to take the judges heart away......(from Boyzone's song Words)..Hopefully this time i can win big money...big money......


Sand art one of the activities to keep your little one occupied

Sand art station

My daughter's sand art of Doraemon


Foods are yummy too...Don't believe?...Look at her...there i told you!!!!

Enjoying her food to bit....

Food for kids....

Activity not to be missed
Hopefully this gonna be a yearly event, so the blogger can have the chance to win, win and win...

Magic show was entertaining by Mr. Hafidz the magician

Malaysian 'Cyril'

Indoor actvities was a good idea because of the unpredictable weather here in Malaysia

Little Mama.......the GP winner to Disneyland Hong Kong goes to......Little Mama from Mombloggerplanet...congrats Little Mama. She's indeed a 'little' mama but with 'big' winning

Little mama...gosh!!! wish I'm the one but I'm happy for her!!!
Yesterday is a history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift. The memories attending this event will always be remembered

Dania enjoys her dance with new friends

Dance Part 1

Dance Part 2

The best part....getting reward...

Admire the hospitality of the organizer. Never without a smile

At the reception table

Yahoo for the prepost Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out prize ie cash RM1,000

Our goodie bag

Each family will walk home with 1 goodie bag

and I pose together . At last just the two of us minus our lil' princess

Happy family

Trying my luck for my blog post!!!...hehehehehehehehe.......

***All photos featured here, from my personal collection***

London bridge is falling down
falling down

falling down

London bridge is falling down

My fair lady
Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out

Family Day Out
Family Day Out
Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out

Fun, Fun, more fun

(Sing along London Bridge)

Twinkle twinkle little star
How i wonder what you are

Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star

How i wonder what you are

Nuffnang Friso fun event

Me and family happy to go there

Lotsa activity , surprises too
Me and family, kids and you

Nuffnang Friso fun event
Me and family happy to go there

(Sing along Twinkle, Twinkle little star)

Hickory, Dickory, Dock
The mouse went up the clock

The clock struck one
The mouse went down

Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Nuffnang announce winner

Little Mama the shining ones
Hope next year my star will shine
(Sing along Hickory, Dickory, Dock)

Interview with a few people attending Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out. Interview was conducted in Bahasa Malaysia.

Interview 1
Me : Seronok tak Family Day Out ni?.

Ayu (
Enchanted Life : Seronok!...i biar je anak-anak i main dengan kawan-kawan baru.

Interview 2

Me : You Little Mama kan?

Little Mama (Mom bloggers : A'ah. You sape eh?

Me : I My Small World
Little Mama : Oh. Sorry lah tak sempat nak cakap lama-lama i busy kejar my daughter.

Interview 3
Me : You kambing kan?
Blogger X : Tak i ni........

Me : (???) ( I thought you ni Kambing Bujang....if you translate in English it would be Single Goat....such a unique name)...i can't remember whom i interviewed.
Moral of the story...don't just simply asked people, 'Are you Kambing?'

Actually blogger name Kambing Bujang attend this event. I silap orang oh!!!! Malu i....

Interview 4

Me : Dania suka pergi Family Day Out nih?

Dania (my daughter) : Suka

Me : Kenapa?

Dania (my daughter) : Sebab ada big slide dan ada kawan.

Interview 5
Me : Seronok tak datang sini?

Erma (my sis) : Budak-budak tu seronok. Makan pun sedap. Kebetulan spaghetti favourite dorang.

3 words that i can describe Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out.....

scroll down.....
scroll down.....

1. 有意思 yǒusi​​​

1. seronok

scroll down.....

2. 有意思 yǒusi​​​

2. seronok

and more

3. 有意思 yǒusi​​​

3. seronok

Whatever the language is, the meaning of the word is 'fun'

Thanks Nuffnang & Friso for organising this SUPERB event

Faces of the happy family attending Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out

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