Ahad, September 6

Nade Nook Contest

NadE NooK ConTesT!!

*special thanks to my-giveaway for the appearance of this contest @ their site*


Wanna get 1 free shawl rite? It is suPer Duper Easy.. These r d Rules:

  1. Copy or save the NADE NOOK contest banner above.OK!
  2. Paste it to your blog.OK!
  3. Link the banner to our blog which is http://nadenook.blogspot.comOK!
  4. Send us an email (nadenook@hotmail.com) with the title NADE NOOK contest and give us your name, blog URL and contact number.OK!
  5. Send us your entry before 12 September 2009. That's All!!OK!

So..how 2 win it afta u've done ol dis rite?

We will have the list of ol URL given.
On the final date which is on 12 SEPTEMBER 2009 we will pick only one blog randomly

And if its ur blog be sure that when we click on your page and we could see the NADE NOOK contest banner .

And..if we see it we will give you a SHAWL , You could choose any shawl no matter what price it is!!! isn't it fun??? best kan? dapat shawl free kut!!

What are u waiting for?? lets join love!!


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