Khamis, Disember 17

‘ – as Easy as 1, 2, 3’

MAS recently launched, a mobile site where you can book your flights and check all necessary details from your mobile phone! Now Malaysians can book flights with MAS anywhere they want from their phones! Try it yourself! Just access and you’ll be able to navigate your way through it easily as the site is built for mobile access!

Aren’t you glad that flights booking has come this far? Of course, you are. ;)

Spread the word to your friends with the contest by MAS. Want to know what’s for grabs?


Yes! Free flights from MAS to Australia, ASEAN countries and domestic!!

All you have to do is just blog about the service in your blog and share how easy it is to book your flights with MAS. Then title your blog post ‘ – as Easy as 1, 2, 3’ and send an email to with your full name and permalink of your blog post and you’re done!

The contest ends on 11.59pm 30 December 2009. Hurry and start writing now!

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