Wanna get something special from Japan for free?.
As my family will be going back to Malaysia on this September, I decided to make a special giveaway in blog Yatie Chomeyl as I've promised in this entry. My hubby has been so generous to sponsor the prizes for the winners and I would appreciate it if other sponsor wish to sponsor this giveaway also *wink wink*.
* tak kisahlah gambar hubby anda cium pipi anda OR anak sulung anda cium pipi adik dia OR gambar anda cium pipi mak anda OR gambar cium pipi kawan sejenis OR gambar anda cium pipi anak anda OR whatever...asalkan jangan buh gambar cemolot sudah ye ..blog i bukan blog porn hoccay..kui3x...*
Terms & Conditions :
This giveaway is only for the follower of blog Yatie Chomeyl
Link to blog Yatie Chomeyl in your entry and add my blog in your bloglist : http://yatiechomeyl.blogspot.com/ (no link back will be disqualified)
Upload the banner of this contest to your sidebar
OK! Banner dah upload!
Only ONE picture per entry
Leave the link to your entry here to inform me that you've join this contest
Winners will be selected by the sponsor a.k.a my hubby
I reserves the right to change the terms & conditions without prior notice
I have the right to replace the prize with the same value.
This giveaway is open to Malaysia residents only and runs from now until
salam kenal ezna.. dah terjah entry u ni, good luck ;)
BalasPadamUlasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.