Sabtu, April 21

Reliable & Professional Florist in Malaysia - A better florist

If you’re looking for a reliable and professional florist in Malaysia, who can satisfy your creative whims and offer you luxurious floral arrangements, you’re in luck, because recently Malaysia was enriched by yet another flower delivery. This time, it’s different, because it’s A Better Florist, a flower shop that is dedicated to providing luxurious florals at an affordable price. The best florist in Malaysia also focuses on maintaining a same day flower delivery at all times, which has been a challenge for flower deliveries so far.

A Better Florist is up for any of your floral challenges and they welcome you with open hands, so you can make your loved ones smile with the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen. Their philosophy is unique, because they don’t think flowers should be gifted on only one occasions or on special occasions. Their team thinks that you should gift flowers for no special reason, simply because flowers make us feel better. This is why they became the best florist in Singapore who offers the best Singapore flower delivery, and why they opened up a Malaysia flower delivery.

Their gorgeous flowers are probably the first thing that will catch your attention, as everything from funeral flowers to majestic grand opening flowers is breathtaking. They are creative but very detailed when it comes to designing bouquets and arrangement. There’s no other florist who can make funeral flowers deliver such a powerful and appropriate message, and still take everyone’s breath away.

Not only do they have flowers, they also offer hampers as well as a fruit basket selection. You would often reach for a fruit basket if you need a holiday gift, and their creations won’t ever disappoint you. They are simply too beautiful to pass up. If you visit their website right now, you’ll see that their hampers are gorgeous as well, from the baby hamper selection, to the get well soon hamper collection. Everything you see can be customised, and you can request a hamper or flowers to be made from scratch.

Whatever you order, you can rely on their same day flower delivery. In fact, not only are you going to love the ability to be able to order flowers on the same day and receive them on the same day, you’ll be even more thrilled to know that their same day flower delivery is completely free. Not something that you can often find in Malaysia flower shops, but finally you have that option, thanks to A Better Florist.

This is exactly why they became a very famous UAE flower delivery, as well as a Hong Kong flower delivery and a Dubai flower delivery. You might see bloggers writing about the best florist in Kuala Lumpur, but the best flower delivery isn’t limited only to Kuala Lumpur. They are known as the best florist in Hong Kong, and the best florist in Dubai.

Whether you need the services of the best florist in HK or in Malaysia, A Better Florist definitely gives their competition a run for their money. They are unique, and they are dedicated to provide a customer services like no other. I’d highly recommend you check out what A Better Florist has to offer to all of their customers.

20 ulasan:

  1. Cantiknya bunga-bunga tu segar dan menawan kita suka bunga hidup ni best sapa nak kasi kat kita yer hehehehe..

  2. Saya bukan penggemar bunga. Tapi mak saya minat bunga2 ni. Mak saya mesti seronok kalau dapat tahu tentang A Better Florist. Hehehe.

  3. Rose memang sukakan bunga... alahai kalau dapat fresh flower, bestnya. Boleh suggest tempat ni pada kawan-kawan juga ni.

  4. Wah.. menarik. Bunga memang cantik dan harum, sesuai sangat untuk berikan sebagai hadiah. Cuma saya kurang gemar sebab tak tahan lama. Hihi. Apapun, masih boleh suggest pada kawan2 yang sukakannya! Nampak menarik juga!

  5. Cantiknya warna bunga.airah kat area jb ni tak ada kedai yang dekat jual fresh flower.sedih je

  6. Sampel bouquet tu memang cantik..lebih suka color macam ni. Pandai florist buat. Btw harga untuk fresh flower mmg la mahal sket. Tapi kalu hasilnya cantik dan servis bagus so berbaloilah

  7. hohoho... flowers... every woman crazy about flowers.. really make ur day happinest.. wish hari2 i gor some bunch foe me.. lily and tulips

  8. contoh / sample tu amat menarik.
    saya suka bunga segar. bau nyer. memang simpan la mahupun dah kering.
    i cannot remember when was the last time my husband bagi bunga tau hu hu hu unlucky me!

  9. Saya bukanlah penggemar bunga tp kalau ada yg bagi, terima saja. Suka bau bunga2 segar. Bau dia best !

  10. Cantik cantik bouquet flower yang dibuat. Bunga segar yang digunakan lagi menaikkan seri bouquet tuh

  11. Hello, I read your blog daily. Your writing style is witty, keep it up!

  12. Dari dulu lagi, I love to receive fresh flower bouquet. Flowers always have a special place in my heart. Pastu kan, akak akan gantung upside down untuk keringkan ia , maka jadilah dried flowers bouquet!
    That way I get to keep it for the longest time, best tak my idea?
    Perniagaan Roti Dan Kek, Bisnes Dari Rumah Yang Menguntungkan

  13. Ramai yang sukakan bunga hidup termasuk saya. Kadang2 kalau terima memang boleh simpan berbulan sampai kering 😁

  14. Suka bila dapat fresh bunga ni. Pernah dapat masa konvo je, lepas tu takdak.hahaha..bunga fresh kalau dijaga elok, cantik kembang mekar dia membesar

  15. Dulu masa zaman sekolah, tak faham apa fungsi florist. Ala setakat gubah bunga aje. Pastu mahal. Bila dah kawin dan ada rumah sendiri. Tiap minggu saya perlukan bunga segar yang dah siap di gubah. Hahaha. Pentingnya florist dalam menjaga keharmonian kehidupan kita. Bukan setakat sebagai gift je kan kak. Hehe

  16. Last kita dapat bunga, masa convo dulu... setiap bunga ada maksudnya tersendiri... dan mampu mempengaruhi emosi dan situasi seseorang

  17. Bunga ni boleh buat penerima bunga berbunga-bunga. Banyak sangat bunga. Mommy suka juga dapat bunga. Tapi tak mengharap sangat dapat bunga. Tap pernah lagi dapat bunga. Hahaha kesian kan. Beli bunga sendiri untuk buat kerja ada lah haha

  18. Bau bunga-bunga segar ni menenangkan .. TB suka sangat.. tambah-tambah kalau buat mandi.. haha.. aura tu rasa fresh je kat badan.. tapi kalau orang beri bunga pada TB , TB rasa agak membazir.. cuma kalau sekalisekali tu ok la kan.. haha.. pernah dapat 25 kuntum bunga masa umur 25 .. tapi lepas tu bunga kecut.. beli maha2 tapi last2 kecut macam tu.. hahaha..

  19. Yang pernah menerima fresh flower je akan faham kenapa orang bagi bunga segar, then tak tahan lama..Aura fresh flower tu akan kekal dan bagi kesan positif,

  20. i have never try this before but i am using one online as well almost the same like this and deliver really fresh flower and worth for money. nowadays flower delivery.. ppl only see the freshness and worth or not kann... but for me i prefer convenient


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